JUMP TOIntroductionBasicsConceptsAuthenticationCreating a system accountCreating an api keyRevoking an api keySuspending a system accountErrorsPaginationRate limits & GuidelinesAPI missing?Happeo Channels APIChannelsList channelsgetRetrieve a channelgetList channel membersgetHappeo Posts APIPostsList postsgetCreate a postpostGet a postgetUpdate a postputPatch a postpatchDelete a postdeleteHappeo Users APIUsersList usersgetGet one usergetLicense a userpostUnlicense a userpostHappeo Images APIImagesGet Image metadatagetCustom WidgetsBasicsWidgetSDKBasicsPowered by Rate limits & GuidelinesRate limits For each Happeo customer/organisation there is an organisation-wide rate limit for the API usage at: 600 requests every 30 seconds Guidelines Don't abuse the API.