Testing a custom app


  • Access to Happeo admin panel
  • Build bundle.js -file

Building the bundle

To make bundle building easy, we include a npm run build command to the example repository. Just run npm run build and the full bundle.js will appear under /dist/bundle.js.

Uploading the bundle

Now that you have the bundle.js and access to the admin panel, open your custom widget. In here you can see the "Upload code" -section.


After uploading the source, we run an analysis on the bundle and report our findings. If any errors are found, note the following:
The analysis checks for child nodes inside the web component. If your widget does not create any child nodes you may see an error. In this case, if its by design, just ignore the error.


Next the only thing to do is to click "Save changes" and change the state of the widget to testing.


Testing in action

After setting the widget to testing, you can now open the page you were developing the widget and refresh. Happeo is now loading the widget from cdn-w.happeo.com so you can verify it is working properly.

At this point you can add more testers to the widget and get their feedback.